Time to split? Moving away from specifying splits, VRFs and VRVs
Following the UK Government announcement on 23rd March, Airedale announced measures to temporarily scale back business operations. …
Our Strength is Our People
Nothing in this world is certain, as we have all found out these past few weeks. All the things we have taken for granted, that we never in our wildest imaginations ever thought could be taken away from us, have, for now, had the pause button pressed on them. Terms such as “unprecedented” “lockdown” and “isolation” are handed around like free Champagne at a society wedding. In fact it pretty much started with the usual suspects lapping them up before the waiter had barely made it out of the kitchen, but eventually we all got some. It’s fair to say …
UK Government Lockdown: COVID-19 Update
Following the UK Government announcement on 23rd March, Airedale announced measures to temporarily scale back business operations. …
HVAC Glossary Of Terms
We've compiled this glossary to help you understand the different air conditioning/cooling/HVAC industry terms and acronyms used across our website and literature. Click on the alphabetical links below to jump to the appropriate section. …
Pharmaceuticals Products
11-233kW High efficiency precision cooling system trusted by some of the world’s most demanding organisations and facilities. Offers unrivalled kW/m2 cooling power in an intelligent, versatile package. …